Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Government Intervention Of International Business Essay
When governments amongst nations conduct in international business, it exposes them to increased risks and costs through unfair trade and bribery in order to obtain a competitive advantage or power. Mercantilism explains why the government intervention of international business increases the chances of these risks. Mercantilism is the theory that explains, the government will maintain their economy and trade to promote their own domestic industry at the cost of the other country leading to unfair trade (Pettinger,2016). As all governments will not play by the same rules, there is an increase in risks such as unfair tariff policies or bribery in order to gain a competitive advantage. In fact, many governments across nations will use these unfair actions to gain an increase in power. Hill (2015) states that nations like China are striving for a more neo mercantilist policy (a more modern theory of mercantilism where economic power is the equivalent to a trade surplus) to gain a trade s urplus. During most of the 2000s, their exports have been increasing whereas their imports have not grown because they have been limited by an import substitution policy. While China is able to benefit from the trade surplus, it is at the cost of another nation where the money that will be paid for those imports will decrease. Therefore, government intervention in international business increases risk like unfair trading to gain a competitive advantage. The government also increases the cost ofShow MoreRelatedGovernment Intervention And Its Effect On Foreign Markets Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesDoing business internationally had become easier, nowadays business is acknowledged to be international and there is a general expectation that this will continue for the foreseeable future. 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